Dead Air Support Update

206 days later

When I first received my Dead Air Odessa-9, I found that the box was missing the required end cap tool. I contacted Dead Air (on July 1st, 2022), and they promised they would send me one “right away”. Almost two months later (and numerous assurances that the tool would be shipped out soon), I managed to borrow an end cap tool and took the suppressor to the range.

After this ill-fated range trip, I had to contact Dead Air support for them to repair my suppressor under warranty. This support interaction went well, so I tried to follow up again about the missing tool. This time around, I was repeatedly assured that I was “on a list” and would receive one the moment they had one available. I continued to email them about once a month until mid-November.

Finally, after posting about this debacle on reddit, someone contacted me and recommended that I contact KGM, Dead Airs parent company. They immediately replied and told me they would send out the missing tool and an R2 piston on Monday. On Monday, I received a tracking number, and on Wednesday I had parts in hand. At this point, I figured the story was over.

On January 23rd, 2023, I received a package from Dead Air: the missing tool I had requested 206 days prior. I guess I really was “on a list”. (I will note that the packing slip that came with the end cap tool said it was ordered on January 4th, 187 days after I contacted support.)

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